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Call for Application: Japan Seminar on Technology for Sustainability 2021

Chủ nhật - 23/05/2021 05:26

Call for applications to the Japan Seminar on Technology for Sustainability 2021 (JSTS 2021) is now open. External Affairs Office (HUST) would like to inform HUST students with detailed information as follow:


From Monday, 13th, September, 2021
to Friday, 17th, September, 2021

Hosting method

Online via Zoom


National Institute of Technology (KOSEN)


Nagaoka University of Technology
Toyohashi University of Technology



The main objective of the seminar is to improve the students’ global communication skills and to gain the skills that are required of future global leaders in a diverse society. This will be done through the use of group workshops and various exchange activities based on the SDGs.

Topic & Activity

To cultivate engineers who can be competitive in a globalized world
and contribute to developing a sustainable society after/during the
post COVID-19 era.
This seminar series aims to teach the 17 basic SDGs. Based on this
knowledge, the seminar participants will form small groups of 5-6
members and will produce a short documentary movie which will focus on local problems and the challenges associated with developing a sustainable society. In addition, each group will put forth possible solutions to these challenges. Through discussions and group work, the participants, who come from various backgrounds and nations, will experience and learn how to create new values and lives after/within the COVID 19 era based on the 17 SDGs. The main targets will be economic
activities, education, medical systems and resilient infrastructures

Details of the Program and Application form

Please refer to


The participants will gain the following skills:
1. Acquisition of the basic principles of the SDGs
2. Experience working and cooperating in English with other group
3. Improve their English communication skills and cross-cultural
4. Practice “Think globally, Act locally”

How to apply

Please submit the following documents
a. Form JSTS 2021 Student Application
b. Free description " Regional issues and SDGs17 " (A4/1page/Free form) Please raise a local problem and propose a solution in
association with SDGs17.

* Explanation of SDGs17 (United Nations website)

c. Fill personal details in the link:

Documents need to send to administrative staff at HUST:

Ms. Nguyen Mai Chi

External Affair Office

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0968566369


17h00 May 26th 2021

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