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Call for applications - DIES course "Training on Internal Quality Assurance - TrainIQA"

Thứ ba - 02/08/2022 21:44

TrainIQA is part of the DIES programme (Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies) which aims at strengthening higher education management structures in developing countries. The University of Potsdam, in collaboration with the regional partners, is implementing this training course on behalf of DAAD and HRK.

Universities from Southeast Asia (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam) are eligible to apply. Further key criteria are:

  • Candidates should be current or designated quality managers or senior managers responsible for Quality Assurance (QA) with proven knowledge and experience. (In case no such positions exist yet, universities can appoint a person and state this in the application).
  • They should be in office for a minimum of 3 years / or should have at least 3 years of experience in QA.
  • They should hold at least a Bachelor’s degree.
  • They need to have fluent English skills, both written and spoken.
  • They should be employed on long-term contracts that go beyond the project ending in October 2023.

The application deadline is September 5, 2022. All details can be found HERE.


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