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Call for Applications: ASEAN Data Science Explorers Competition

Thứ hai - 18/04/2022 22:07

ASEAN Data Science Explorers (ASEAN DSE) competition is a data analytics competition organised by the ASEAN Foundation and SAP, which aims to:

  • Promote ASEAN awareness, particularly and
  • Promote United Nations – Sustainable Development Goals (
  • Empower youths across the 10 ASEAN Member States with data analytics skills and other relevant skills such as problem-solving skill, critical thinking skill, analytical thinking skill, collaboration skill, and communication skill
  • Inspire youths across the ASEAN region to take part in tackling pressing socioeconomic issues across the region through data-driven proposals that will contribute to the achievement of the UN-SDGs within the region.

ASEAN DSE competition has been endorsed by the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Youth (SOMY) and ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Education (SOM-ED) as it supports the achievement of the ASEAN Work Plan on Youth and Education 20212025.

I.     Who are eligible to participate in this Competition? 

This competition is dedicated to youths with ASEAN nationality aged 15 to 30 currently undertaking full-time education in educational institutions (high school, polytechnic, universities, etc.) based in the 10 ASEAN countries. Detailed information about the eligibility of participants can be found  

II.    What participants must do?

In this competition, each team of registered participants (one team comprising two students from the same ASEAN country) is required to develop using (SAC). They will choose one issue in ASEAN across the six selected SDGs to solve through their data analytics storyboard. 

After the team selected the issue, the team is advised to gather relevant datasets to analyse using SAC and start developing their storyboard. They can use this to gather their datasets or other reliable sources they know and are familiar with. If they are not familiar with SAC and how to operate it, they can learn about it through we have provided in

III. Timeline 

Call for applications        : 11 February 2022 – 30 April 2022

Storyboard Submission : 1 April 2022 – 31 May 2022

Storyboard Assessment : 1 – 24 June 2022

National Finals                : 22 August 2022 – 2 September 2022

Regional Final                 : 10 – 12 October 2022


IV. How to register?

You can register through


HUST students who register for the competition are requested to send email to Ms. Phuong: [email protected] (EAO's External Relations Coordinator).

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