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Call for HUST Inbound Exchange Student Nominations - Fall Semester 2022

Thứ tư - 16/03/2022 17:02

HUST is opening its call for inbound student exchange nominations, for Fall Semester 2022.

We welcome applications from your institution and hope to have the pleasure to meet some of your students next semester on our English-taught programs below:

  • Integrated Bachelor-Master Program in Mechatronics
  • Integrated Bachelor-Master Program in Control and Automation Engineering
  • Integrated Bachelor-Master Program in Power Systems and Renewable Energy
  • Integrated Bachelor-Master Program in Automobile Engineering
  • Integrated Bachelor-Master Program in Electronics Engineering
  • Integrated Bachelor-Master Program in Telecommunications Engineering
  • Integrated Bachelor-Master Program in Biomedical Engineering
  • Bachelor Program in ICT (Global ICT Program)
  • Bachelor Program in Data Science and AI 
  • Bachelor Program in Material Science and Engineering
  • Bachelor Program in Pharmaceutical Chemical Engineering
  • Bachelor Program in Food Engineering
  • Bachelor Program in Business Analytics
  • Bachelor Program in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Bachelor Program in English Language

Besides, HUST also welcomes exchange students for internship in lab. Please see the list of our schools and research institutes/centers: 

Deadline for partner nominations to the exchange programmes for Fall 2022: May 1st 2022

Deadline for student applications to the exchange programmes for Fall 2022: May 15th 2022

For more information, please see:

Our Factsheet for HUST Incoming Exchange Students:

Our Facebook Fanpage for HUST International Exchange Students:



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