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APPETIZER HACKATHON - An Opportunity to Use Various Korean APIs

Thứ hai - 20/12/2021 14:14

APPETIZER HACKATHON, held for the first time this year under the theme of ‘New Normal in the Post-COVID-19 - The Beginning of Innovation using Cloud’ - 1st team to receive a total of $5,000 in prize money and about $17,000 in credits from Naver Cloud.

To download:

1. Application_Form

2.  Idea Development plan_Form

For detailed information, you may want to click the links below to read more: 



1. Outline


○ Participation Eligibility: 

(Eligibility): Undergraduate, graduate students, developer, and engineer in South-East Asia region

(Quota): Form a group of 1 to 5 people to apply, a total of 30 teams will be selected after document screening

○ Major Details: 30 teams that made into the main HACKATHON round will participate in idea development hackathon which uses various API from 10 Korean companies and they will be able to receive various technical support and feedbacks through mentoring sessions with Korean companies. 8 teams with most outstanding ideas will be chosen to make final presentations and give awards.

Total Prize: Total of $27,000

  • Grand prize (1 team): $5,000 / 1st runner-up (2 teams): $3,000 each / 2nd runner-up (5 teams): $1,000 each.
  • Each of 22 teams that will not win awards will be given participation award of $500 each.

○ Main Benefits for Participating Teams

  • Provides Naver Cloud credits worth about $2,500 to 30 teams that made to the main round.
  • Provides 1-year Naver Cloud credits worth about $17,000 to the Grand Prize Team.

○ Registration Period: December 6, 2021 (Monday) 09:00 am to December 23, 2021 (Thursday) 15:00 pm (Korean Standard Time)

○ Registration Method: Online application (www.api-appetizer.com)

  • Applications will be acknowledged only if Idea Development Plan, Pledge of Participation, and Consent Form for Collection, Use, Provision and ThirdParty Provision of Personal Information are completely uploaded.
  • APPLE related gifts will be given to only 15 teams who register during 12/6 ~ 12/10 and participate all hackathon programs by the end of the January, 2022.

    ○ Organizer / Host / Supporter: Naver Cloud / Korea Software Industry Association / Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Korea Foundation for Cooperation of Large&Small Business, Rural Affairs

2. Main Schedule (Korean Standard Time)







Dec. 06, 2021 (Mon)

09:00 am ~ Dec 23,

2021 (Thu) 15:00 pm


· Register online via Hackathon webpage (api-appetizer.com)

· Submit team member list and idea plan

Dec. 28, 2021 (Tue) ~ Dec. 29, 2021 (Wed)

Document Screening

· Document screening to select 30 teams that will advance into main


Dec. 30, 2021 (Thu) 17:00 pm

Main Round



· Announce 30 teams that advanced into the main round

Jan. 03, 2022 (Mon) ~ Jan. 04, 2022 (Tue)

Final API Selection

· Final API selection to use in idea development hackathon

Jan 05. 2022 (Wed)

Orientation and Webinar

· Orientation and webinar (Zoom) for 30 teams

Jan. 06, 2022 (Thu)

09:00 am ~ Jan. 07,

2022 (Fri) 11:00 am

Mentoring Application

· Mentoring application for the teams that wish to participate in mentoring with participating API companies

Jan. 07, 2022 (Fri) 17:00 pm




· Share final mentoring schedule with participants

Jan. 10, 2022. (Mon) ~ Jan. 14, 2022 (Fri)

Online Mentoring

· Online mentoring session between teams that wish to participate in

mentoring and the participating


Jan. 10, 2022 (Mon) ~ Jan. 19, 2022 (Wed)

API Utilization Period

· Deliver API KEY to participants

Jan. 17, 2022 (Mon)

09:00 am ~ Jan. 18,

2022 (Tue) 17:00 pm

Submit PreRecorded

Presentation Video

· 30 teams that participate in hackathon program to submit pre-recorded

presentation video

Jan. 20, 2022 (Thu) ~ Jan. 21, 2022 (Fri)




· Evaluate presentation videos from 30 teams and select 30 teams that will advance into the Finals

Jan. 24, 2022 (Mon) 17:00 pm



· Announce final 8 teams that will make final announcement

Jan. 27, 2022 (Thu)


Presentation and Award


· Live presentation of 8 finalist teams

· Final rank announcement and award ceremony

· Select Grand Prize (1 team), 1st runner-up (2 teams), and 2nd runner-

up (5 teams)

3. Inquiries: Secretariat of APPETIZER HACKATHON

E-Mail: [email protected]

* Please inquire through the email, inquiry menu on the , or through .

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