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Call for Asian Undergraduate Summit (AUS) 2022

Thứ năm - 20/01/2022 21:19

History of the Asian Undergraduate Summit (AUS)

In the past six iterations of AUS, 812 participants from over 11 Asian countries and 28 partner universities come to discuss the overarching issue of ‘Leadership in a Complex World’. AUS comprises 2 different legs - the Singapore Leg hosted by NUS-USP, followed by the Overseas Leg hosted by Overseas Host Universities (OHUs), including Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST). Each year, there is an overall theme set for the conference to guide discussions in the Overseas Legs. Each OHU will feature a sub-theme which aims to explore a specific aspect of the overall theme. Following the overseas legs hosted by OHUs, participants will then attend the Singapore leg and the summit will conclude thereafter. 

AUS 2022

Timeline: From 20th to 23rd of June 2022

HUST students should reserve the whole day for all activities of AUS 2022

Mode: Online

Program details: Students may refer to this file for details

Application Deadline:

  • Online Application by 31/1/2022
  • To apply, student click

Contact person

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