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Invitation to the Conference “Preparing Higher Education for Digital Transformation”

Thứ bảy - 18/09/2021 04:04

Hanoi University of Science and Technology together with British Council Vietnam, Global Wales and the UK Department of International Trade proudly organize the conference “Preparing higher education for Digital Transformation”. The event is supported by the Ministry of Education and Training.

The conference aims to:

  • bring UK and Viet Nam government officers, HE leaders to discuss challenges and opportunities for digitalization of higher education to respond to HE sector growth in both countries and how policy development helps address those issues
  • discuss shared institutional challenges and issues between UK and Viet Nam universities
  • share best practices, case studies on application of innovative model in digitalizing teaching, learning and research
  • enable and support partnership creation on digital transformation

Speakers and moderators of the conference are senior leaders and leaders from the government, the higher education sector and Edtech companies of both countries.

We would like to invite higher education leaders, senior educators and interested guests to register for the conference at  (before 20 September 2021. Link and guidance to attend the event will be sent in due course.

The conference will be held online on Microsoft Teams platform, from 15.00 - 18.00 (Vietnam time) Tuesday, September 21, 2021. For more details about our speakers and moderators, please visit //dtc.psj-co.com/speaker.html#welRemasks.

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