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Call for Erasmus + Key Action 1 - POLITECNICO DI TORINO (POLITO – ITALY)

Thứ năm - 19/08/2021 23:44

External Affair Office announces Erasmus KA1 credit mobility program between Hanoi University of Science and Technology and Politecnico di Torino (Italy) in the academic year of 2021-2022 as below:

1. Hosting Institution: Politecnico di Torino (POLITO – Italy)

2. Field of study: Engineering in English

3. Language requirements (English): Minimum recommended level: B2

4. Target:  HUST BA, MA students, PhD student

5. Number of mobility and Scholarship




Outgoing HUST

BA/MA exchange

05 months

850 Euro/1 month


PhD exchange

06-12 months

850 Euro/1 month


  • Travel cost: one round trip ticket (1500 Euro), Tuition Fee: waived
  • Starting mobility: BA/MA exchange (Spring semester 2022 ), PhD (any suggested date from Jan 2022- May 2022 in 6-12 months),

6. Application Documents:

  • Application form (online): Outgoing HUST: 
  • CV (Europas form)
  • Passport
  • Language Certificate (minimum B1 to students, B2 level to staff or equivalent)
  • Academic Records (transcript + degree)
  • Student/Staff certificate
  • Learning Agreement (, )
  • Pre-acceptance Letter for Hosting Professors (PhD/Staff)
  • Motivation letter
  • Recommendation letter (01)

7. Application Deadline:

  • Online Application form in External Affairs Office by 20/09/2021
  • Please submit the original document and a soft copy to EAO Office by 05/10/2021 and follow the application process from POLITO.

8. Contact person

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