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TF-NUS LEaRN Young Asian Leaders Initiative (YALI)

Thứ hai - 09/08/2021 03:51



TF-NUS LEaRN Young Asian Leaders Initiative (YALI)

Programme Background:

Since the TF-NUS LEaRN programme has been suspended the past few years due to pandemicrelated travel restrictions, Temasek Foundation (TF) and NUS have collaborated on a pilot online programme, the TF-NUS LEaRN Young Asian Leaders Initiative, for this coming semester (Sept – Nov 2021).

Having engaged with the top university leaders in ASEAN, it emerged that a common major concern amongst universities in the region is how to ensure that our students build resilience and are capable of being employed in our new normal. Thus, this programme will centre on teaching our youths how to build resilience as well as the necessary skills and mindsets related to finding and securing employment.

Programme content:

This programme, sponsored by TF and NUS, will be focused on:

I) Developing holistic resilience (physical, mental, social, and emotional), intrapersonal and intercultural skills and understanding

ii) Preparing participants for the future of work in Asia

iii) Interactive discussions for participants to better understand their peers and the ASEAN region

Programme requirements:

  • Participants must join a programme-related Facebook group for networking purposes
  • Participants must submit an experience report of at least 500 words
  • Participants must achieve at least 80% attendance

If they fulfil all the above, participants will be given a certificate of completion.

Participant requirements:

(Programme fees worth SGD550 are waived for participants)

Participants do not have to be from any particular faculty but must be fluent in English and should ensure that they are able to attend all sessions (details featured below) as far as possible.

For nomination, HUST students are invited to fill in this form: 

Registration deadline: 18 August 2021

Programme Details:

Mode of delivery: Online (Zoom)

Dates: September to November 2021 Schedule: 

Session Description

Proposed Dates

Timing(s) GMT +8



Session 1:

Deepen self-awareness & development as a leader

6th Sept, Mon


Session 2:

Understand resilience & growth mindset in face of uncertainty

13th Sept, Mon


Session 3:

Understand cross-cultural similarities and differences

20th Sept, Mon


Session 4:

Develop awareness of ASEAN culture, identity and values

27th Sept, Mon


Session 5:

Develop awareness of ASEAN economic vibrancy and potential

11th Oct, Mon


Session 6:

Self-organise as a cohort in an Open Space Technology process to explore areas of post-crisis shared social/economic interests

28th Oct, Thurs


Session 7:

Work in small groups to design a presentation of concerns

3rd Nov, Wed


Session 8:

Closing session of presentations to each other and special guests of honour  

16th Nov, Tues


For further information, please contact:

External Affairs Office: Ms. Phuong Nguyen | Email: [email protected] | Phone: 0968498104

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