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NEU x HUST | Online Chinese Short Course 101

Thứ bảy - 31/07/2021 20:39


NEU x HUST | Online Chinese Short Course 101

Registration link: click or scan QR code in the poster

Registration Deadline: 18/08/2021

Program information: Schedule: 13 - 24/ 09/2021

This course is for:

  • Current HUST students
  • HUST alumni
  • Academic/ administrative staff at HUST

Course fee: Fee waiver 

I. Teaching Method

All courses of this project are taught online, and the teaching method of live broadcast + recorded broadcast is adopted. The courses are divided into two categories: language learning and cultural practice.

II. Training Goals



  1. To enable students to master the basic theories and basic knowledge of Chinese in a short period of time;


  1. Cultivate students' Chinese language and communication skills;


  1. To expose students to Chinese culture and understand the conditions of contemporary China.

III.  Programs Description

* Beginners’ short program is designed for students who barely know any Chinese and would like to have an opportunity to start to learn Chinese. Also, this beginners’ short course will provide students with a firm basement to be able to paticipate in the Semester courses.

For course details, click  or scan QR code in the poster

For further information, please contact:

External Affairs Office: Ms. Phuong Nguyen | Email: [email protected] | Phone: 0968498104

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