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Announcement for AOTULE Student Conference 2021 Online

Thứ hai - 02/08/2021 17:33

AOTULE, founded in 2007, is a league of thirteen premiere engineering universities in the Asia-Oceania region. The AOTULE promotes inter-university cooperation through joint programs including an annual Dean's meeting, student workshop and exchanges of students and staff, in order to improve the quality of engineering education and research of the members. It aims to broaden participating students' perspectives through education, research and cross-cultural interactions.

Date and time: 2021.11.10.(Wed.) 11:00~15:00

Mode:  Online (ZOOM)

Organized by: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

To register, please click

Deadline: Monday, August 9th, 2021, 12:00

Theme and Schedule





11:00~13:30 (150΄)

Student Conference

  • Sub-theme 1: Frontier Start-up for Untact Society ((75΄) 5 min presentation by each student)
  • Sub-theme   2:   New   Education   Model   for

Untact Society  ((75΄) 5 min presentation by each student)


Chair: TBA (KAIST)

13:30~13:40 (10΄)




13:40~15:00 (80΄)

Student Conference

- Sub-theme 3: Human Relationship Model for Untact Society ((75΄) 5 min presentation by each student)


Chair: TBA (KAIST)


Benefits for the participants:

  • Make friends in other countries and establish an international network
  • Learn about relations among Asian countries
  • Receive a Certificate of Program Completion (Tobe confirmed)

Member Universities:

  1.  Korea  Advanced  Institute  of  Science  and Technology(Keynote  5min)
  2.  Bandung Institute of Technology
  3.  Chulalongkorn University
  4. Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  5. Indian Institute of Technology Madras
  6. Nanyang Technological University
  7. National Taiwan University
  8. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  9. The University of Melbourne
  10. Tokyo Institute of Technology
  11. Tsinghua University
  12. University of Malaya
  13. University of Moratuwa


Participants should have sufficient ability to communicate in written and spoken English. Participants are required to participate in group discussion before the conference.

Participants: Around 50 from member universities.

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