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ASEA-UNINET Scholarship 2022

Thứ ba - 18/01/2022 22:08


(formerly known as Technology Grants South-East Asia)

ASEA-UNINET supports the exchange of knowledge between partner universities in the member countries in Europe and South-East Asia. The main activity of the network is the organization and financial support of the exchange of scientists and postgraduates and the transfer of knowledge associated with this.The funding is organized by the OeAD-GmbH/MPC in cooperation with ASEA-UNINET (on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research – BMBWF).

Applications are open to postgraduates who have obtained a master degree (including master thesis) or a doctoral degree (or equivalent degree) in various fields (including e.g. Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences, Human Medicine, Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts) as well as to undergraduates and graduates in the field of music (only).

Country of origin:

Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines

Target country: Austria

Application Deadline:  01st March 2022

Types of grants:

·         Post-doc Grants (research grants)
Duration: max. 3-9 months
Grant benefit: 1,150 euro

·         PhD-Grants
Grant for a complete PhD programme in Austria
Duration: 36 months
Grant benefit: 1,050 euros

·         Sandwich-Grants
Grant for a partial study period during a PhD programme in Austria
Duration: 9 months
Grant benefit: 1,050 euros

Additionally, scholarship holders receive a travel cost subsidy of max. 1,000 euros.

Maximum age:

Undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates: 35 years

Post docs: 45 years

Language proficiency:

Very good knowledge of English and/or German

For detailed information and application guidelines, please follow the links:



Call for Award:

Contact for more information:

  • External Affairs Office- HUST - Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh - Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Ms. Veronika Fuchshuber - E-mail: [email protected]

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