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Scholarship for the "NUS Enterprise Summer Programme in Entrepreneurship"

Thứ năm - 03/03/2022 14:24

NUS Enterprise Summer Programme in Entrepreneurship is a two-week programme organised by the National University of Singapore. It offers students a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn the fundamentals of Singapore's success as one of the world's most competitive economies, from its humble beginnings as a trading port.
Students will learn the mechanics behind Singapore's public policy and economic development, immerse in new venture creation process, gain insights into entrepreneurship development and exposure to the start-up ecosystems in Singapore and the Southeast Asian region.
The NUS Enterprise Summer Programme provides you with an enriching learning experience and interaction with local students in this dynamic multi-cultural metropolis. Participants will get the opportunity to learn from academic and industry experts, startup founders, eco-system builders, corporate intrapreneurs, venture capitalists and more.

Lectures will be conducted in English by faculty members from the National University of Singapore and industry experts. Students who meet the programme requirements will be awarded a transcript and a Certificate of Completion from NUS Enterprise at the end of the programme
SGD 4,950 (before Goods and Services Tax)
HUST students who got nominated will have a chance to gain the scholarship, which will cover all fees (SGD 4,950)
To be nominated, first, HUST students need to click this link to register at HUST portal:  (deadline: 9/3/2022)
At the same time, HUST students also need to finish registering at the NUS portal:  (deadline: 15/3/2022)

Students visit:

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